
Set the required options in your configuration file that uses your framework:

Option Description
ADMINLTE_ACCENT_COLOR The color of the hyperlinks. Defaults to None.
ADMINLTE_BACK_TO_TOP_ENABLED Turn on the back to top button. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_BODY_SMALL_TEXT Set small text for the page. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_DEFAULT_LOCALE The default locale, by default, uses the source text. Defaults to None.
ADMINLTE_FOOTER_SMALL_TEXT Set small text for the footer of the page. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_HOME_PAGE The tuple sets the URL and title of the homepage. Used in breadcrumbs. Defaults to ('/', 'Home').
ADMINLTE_LAYOUT Page layout, bitmask of the available options, see more. Defaults to ThemeLayout.DEFAULT.
ADMINLTE_LEGACY_USER_MENU Use the user menu from AdminLTE2. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_SITE_TITLE The title of the site. Defaults to 'AdminLTE 3'.
ADMINLTE_USER_MAPPING Sets the mapping of the properties and methods of the user object used in the templates to the properties and methods of the user object of your framework. See example. Defaults to {}.
Brand Logo
ADMINLTE_BRAND_COLOR Background color for the logo. Defaults to None.
ADMINLTE_BRAND_IMAGE_ALT Alternative text if the logo image is not available. Defaults to 'AdminLTE Logo'.
ADMINLTE_BRAND_TEXT The text displayed to the right of the logo. Defaults to 'AdminLTE 3'.
ADMINLTE_BRAND_HTML HTML version of the logo used on login pages and the like. Defaults to '<b>Admin</b>LTE 3'.
ADMINLTE_BRAND_SMALL_TEXT Set small text for text logo. Defaults to False.
Top Navigation Bar
ADMINLTE_NAVBAR_COLOR The background color of the top navigation bar. Defaults to ThemeColor.WHITE.
ADMINLTE_NAVBAR_NO_BORDER Remove frames from the navigation bar. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_NAVBAR_SMALL_TEXT Set small text for the navigation bar. Defaults to False.
Main and Second Sidebar
ADMINLTE_MAIN_SIDEBAR_ENABLED Enable or disable the main sidebar. Defaults to True.
ADMINLTE_SECOND_SIDEBAR_ENABLED Enable or disable the optional sidebar. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_SIDEBAR_CHILD_INDENT Enable left margin for children of the main sidebar. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_SIDEBAR_COLOR The color of the active elements of the main sidebar. Defaults to ThemeColor.PRIMARY.
ADMINLTE_SIDEBAR_LIGHT Light theme for the main sidebar, the default is dark. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_SIDEBAR_COMPACT Remove margins between elements of the main sidebar. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_SIDEBAR_FLAT_STYLE Use a flat style for the main sidebar. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_SIDEBAR_LEGACY_STYLE Use the style of the main sidebar from AdminLTE2. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_SIDEBAR_SMALL_TEXT Set small text for the main sidebar. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_ALLOW_REGISTRATION Allow user registration. The option only affects the display of links, the logic needs to be implemented. Requires setting the value of the dependent option ADMINLTE_REGISTRATION_ENDPOINT. Defaults to True.
ADMINLTE_ALLOW_SOCIAL_AUTH Allow users to log in using OAuth services. The option only affects the display of the template, the logic needs to be implemented. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_REMEMBER_ME Allow users to remember them on the current device. The option only affects the display of the flag, the logic needs to be implemented. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_ALLOW_PASSWORD_RESET Allow users to recover a forgotten password. The option only affects the display of links, the logic needs to be implemented. Requires setting the value of the dependent options: ADMINLTE_PASSWORD_RESET_ENDPOINT and ADMINLTE_PASSWORD_RECOVER_ENDPOINT. Defaults to True.
ADMINLTE_LANGUAGE_SWITCHER_ENABLED Allow users to select the current language. It is required to implement loading of available languages. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_MESSAGES_ENABLED Enable the message widget in the navigation menu. It is required to implement loading of incoming messages. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED Enable the notification widget in the navigation menu. It is required to implement notification loading. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_SEARCH_ENABLED The option allows displaying the search widget in the navigation menu and on error pages. The logic needs to be implemented. Requires setting the value of the dependent option ADMINLTE_SEARCH_ENDPOINT. Defaults to False.
ADMINLTE_TASKS_ENABLED Enable the the task widget in the navigation menu. Required to implement task loading. Defaults to False.
Endpoint names
ADMINLTE_CHANGE_LANGUAGE_ENDPOINT The name of the endpoint for changing the language. Defaults to 'change_language'.
ADMINLTE_PROFILE_ENDPOINT The name of the endpoint of the user profile. Defaults to 'profile'.
ADMINLTE_SEARCH_ENDPOINT The name of the endpoint for the search query. Defaults to 'search'.
ADMINLTE_TERMS_ENDPOINT The name of the endpoint to display the terms for using the service. Defaults to None.
ADMINLTE_REGISTRATION_ENDPOINT The name of the endpoint for user registration. Defaults to 'auth.registration'.
ADMINLTE_LOGIN_ENDPOINT The name of the endpoint for user login. Defaults to 'auth.login'.
ADMINLTE_LOGOUT_ENDPOINT The name of the endpoint for user logout. Defaults to 'auth.logout'.
ADMINLTE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_ENDPOINT The name of the endpoint for changing the password. Defaults to 'auth.change_password'.
ADMINLTE_PASSWORD_RESET_ENDPOINT The name of the endpoint for password reset. Defaults to 'auth.reset_password'.
ADMINLTE_PASSWORD_RECOVER_ENDPOINT The name of the endpoint for password recovery. Defaults to 'auth.recover_password'.



Code Hex From
ThemeColor.PRIMARY #007bff Bootstrap
ThemeColor.SECONDARY #6c757d Bootstrap
ThemeColor.INFO #17a2b8 Bootstrap
ThemeColor.SUCCESS #28a745 Bootstrap
ThemeColor.WARNING #ffc107 Bootstrap
ThemeColor.DANGER #dc3545 Bootstrap
ThemeColor.WHITE #ffffff Bootstrap
ThemeColor.BLACK #000000 Bootstrap
ThemeColor.GRAY_DARK #343a40 Bootstrap
ThemeColor.GRAY #adb5bd Bootstrap
ThemeColor.LIGHT #1f2d3d Bootstrap
ThemeColor.INDIGO #6610f2 AdminLTE
ThemeColor.LIGHTBLUE #3c8dbc AdminLTE
ThemeColor.NAVY #001f3f AdminLTE
ThemeColor.PURPLE #605ca8 AdminLTE
ThemeColor.FUCHSIA #f012be AdminLTE
ThemeColor.PINK #e83e8c AdminLTE
ThemeColor.MAROON #d81b60 AdminLTE
ThemeColor.ORANGE #ff851b AdminLTE
ThemeColor.LIME #01ff70 AdminLTE
ThemeColor.TEAL #39cccc AdminLTE
ThemeColor.OLIVE #3d9970 AdminLTE


In the application settings, set the parameter ADMINLTE_LAYOUT to:

Top Navigation


Also disable sidebar: ADMINLTE_MAIN_SIDEBAR_ENABLED = False

Top Navigation + Sidebar



ThemeLayout.DEFAULT | ThemeLayout.BOXED

Fixed Sidebar

ThemeLayout.DEFAULT | ThemeLayout.FIXED_SIDEBAR

Fixed Navbar

ThemeLayout.DEFAULT | ThemeLayout.FIXED_TOP_NAV

Fixed Footer

ThemeLayout.DEFAULT | ThemeLayout.FIXED_FOOTER

Collapsed Sidebar